Operation World - Praying for the World III

The Church and the Great Commission

The whole of God's plan of redemption centers round the Church of his beloved Son

The Church on earth is only an imperfect manifestation of the one, true and invisible Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, yet we are promised by Jesus that the gates of hell will not prevail against it

How can we pray and live to help reach the world?

1 Maintaining a clear witness to the uniqueness of Christ in the midst of a growing religious pluralism, non-Christian religious revival, urbanization, modernity and relativism

2 Sustaining the centrality of the Scriptures in today's world at a time when many Evangelicals in the West are becoming less firm in their convictions

3 The effective functioning of local congregations

4 Leadership — the key

5 Spiritual depth. This is rare in many congregations

6 Victorious optimism is rare where evangelical believers are a small and despised minority or in countries where there is widespread decline in commitment to the Lord

7 Young people. In this modern age they are often lost to the Church (Note from Keith: May I add older people, who are thrown "under the bus" in favor of reaching a younger audience.)

8 Revival has occurred in various parts of the world this century but not on the scale, nor with the effect, for which believers long in this critical and momentous time of history

9 Missionary vision. An Acts 1:8 strategy is needed for every church


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