Doctrine of the Day (DotD) - Salvation

This week we will look at some important –tion words Today we will look at salvation.

Salvation[1] refers to the act of God's grace in delivering his people from bondage to sin and condemnation, transferring them to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Col. 1:13), and giving them eternal life (Romans 6:23)—all on the basis of what Christ accomplished in his atoning sacrifice. The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith; and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). 

In theology, the study of salvation is called soteriology, from the Greek soteria meaning "salvation". Salvation, virtually synonymous with the overall concept of redemption, includes a past, present, and future sense. As Christians, we were saved from the penalty of sin when God brought us to faith in Christ; we are presently being saved from the power of sin as the Holy Spirit sanctifies us; and we will someday be saved from the presence of sin when we meet Christ face to face in glory. (The complete article is here)

So in summary salvation includes being saved from:

The penalty of sin (one time, lasting forever)

The power of sin (continually growing until we die)

The presence of sin (when we die, lasting forever)

Question: What do you think is important to know about salvation? Put your answers (or your questions) in the comments section.


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