Operation World - Challenges to Prayer regarding Unreached People Groups (UPGs)

We have looked at unreached people groups yesterday. Today we will be praying for the needs within these unreached people groups.

1 Many of the least-reached are hedged in by political, religious, social and spiritual barriers, but they need cross-cultural gospel input from workers called of God. Pray that they may have a revelation of the grace and power of God for effective growing churches to be planted.

2 Relatively few of these 3,500 peoples have no known Christians among them, but in most they constitute a small minority — on average 1.2% of the population. They face many pressures and even persecution. Pray that these Christians may know the sustaining grace of God and power of the Holy Spirit to witness to their own people.

3 Nearly 1,500 of these peoples have populations of less than 10,000. For many, we do not have adequate information. This highlights the need for good national and international research teams to find out the need for these and larger peoples so that the Church may be activated to bring them the good news.

4 Churches around the world need to gain a vision for unreached peoples. Pray for congregations that have already adopted a people that this adoption may lead to significant progress among the adopted people. Pray that more congregations may catch such a vision.

5 There must be disciples made from every people on earth. This implies the need for a body of believers in every people and, more, a church that impacts every part of that people. This is a noble and achievable goal. It is also linked to the coming again of the Lord Jesus for His Church. Pray that the Church may passionately pursue this goal to conclusion and then be the generation that brings back the King!


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