Songs We Sing: All Day

Praise Song Cruncher
Thoughts and Notes
Verse 1:
I don't care what they say about me
It's alright, alright
I don't care they think about me
It's alright, they'll get it one day

I love you, I'll follow you
You are my, my life
I will read my bible and pray
I will follow you all day

All Day
All Day now
All Day

Verse 2:
I don't care what it costs anymore
Cos' you gave it all and I'm following you
I don't care what it takes anymore
No matter what happens I'm going your way

Anyone around can see
just how good you've been to me
For all my friends that don't know you
I pray that you would save them too

Let's Run It through the Praise Song Cruncher

Jesus -"Is Jesus mentioned?"

Yes No If yes, is it in name or concept? (very slight, only one phrase)

Clarity - Is the song clear? Does it use sentences (with subject, verb, and object) or sentence fragments?

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Very clear Obscure

Mysticism (Subjectivity vs Objectivity) - Is the song about the things that God has done (objective), or about my own emotions and experiences (subjective)? Does the song repeat the same phrases over and over in a hypnotic mantra?

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Objective Subjective

Law and Gospel - Does the song proclaim the law in its sternness and the Gospel in its sweetness? (The Gospel is the promise of the forgiveness of all sins won for us through Jesus' death on the cross.) Are law and Gospel rightly divided (and not mixed up)? Is the law presented as something that we can do, or does it show us our sins? Is the Gospel conditional (based on my actions, decisions, and acceptance)?

Yes No I can't tell

Mostly law

Is there any explicit false teaching?

very works oriented

Scripture - Is the song purely scriptural (like a Psalm, or another passage), contain Biblical phrases or is scripture absent from the song?

Scripture Mostly Scripture Some Scripture No Scripture

Context - If there is Scripture, is the Scripture being used in its proper context, or are the phrases used to simply string together subjective ideas.

Non-Christians - If a non-Christian came heard this song, would they understand the meaning? Or is it heavily laden with "Christianese" to a point that either it is meaningless to the "uninitiated" or does it give the unbeliever a false understanding or assurance of security?

Some Christianse, some unclear statements

Teaching - It is said that more doctrine is taught through songs than through sermons. Assuming that this is true, did I learn anything new from the song or was confronted by my sin for failing to live up to the teachings found in the song? Simply put, is it worth my time to sing it?

Nothing learned, no direct confrontation of my sin.

Manipulation - Does the writer have God or people in mind when this song was written? Do I get the feeling that I am being manipulated into having an emotional experience or a physical display of emotion (clapping to a good beat) or is the song creating true heart-felt emotions?

The song feels like listening to a motivational speaker's pep-talk.

Where - Where is this song best suited? Is the song best used for private worship times (like a quiet time), in corporate worship (church) or at a concert?

I would say for me, this is a song for private worship times. I don't see any benefit in singing in a group. After all, the words here are "I this" and "I that", note, there is no we.

V.1 – "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" may work on the playground, if even there. But can we really sing "I don't care what they think about me" honestly? Doubtful. After reading about 7 Egyptian Copts murdered during their Christmas celebration January 6, I doubt any church in Egypt is singing this song.

As for "they'll get it one day" – Is this a cry for the mercy and grace of God to be poured out over closed doors and closed hearts, a promise that in the end, all will believe, even if only catching a brief glimpse on their way to eternal torment. Or is this "Christianese" for don't cry over spilled milk?

Pre-Chorus – the first half of the PC sounds like a 1950-60's girl band sing how nothing will take them from "my guy."The second half while good and the activities mentioned are Christian disciplines, makes no allowances for failure. There is law, but missing is the sweetness of the gospel.

Chorus – Pure 7/11 (7 words sung 11 times)

Verse 2 See verse 1. There is no definition as to what "gave it all" means. You would have to really know Christianity to understand the implications. "No matter what happens I am going you're your way" – What way is that? There is no clear explanation

Bridge – Again look to the persecuted church, would anyone in North Korea really think God has been good to me? What about the patient in the hospital dying of cancer? What is the definition of good? You can't tell.

The question isn't does the person know Jesus, but rather, does Jesus know them.

Save them too – how? Why?


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