Holidays – Happy….

Happy Youth Day (India)

I have never understood the idea of a children's day or youth day. In America, we have Father's Day and Mother's Day but no Children's Day. Every parent has at some point been asked "When is Children's Day?" they are given the same answer. Do you pay the rent? Do you buy groceries? Do you have to go to work every day? No, then every day is Children's Day.

Religious History

1779 Pioneer American Methodist bishop Francis Asbury recorded in his journal: 'If the Lord is pleased to work, who or what can hinder?'

1825 Birth of Brooke Foss Westcott, British N.T. scholar. In 1881, he and F. J. A. Hort co-edited a famous critical text of the Greek New Testament -- one which is still used today.

1839 Scottish clergyman Robert Murray McCheyne wrote in a letter: 'It is not the tempest, nor the earthquake, nor the fire, but the still small voice of the Spirit that carries on the glorious work of saving souls.'


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